Which are better, Paper-based or Cloud-based Timesheets?
For decades, paper-based solutions have been the only way to record timesheets for Care workers accurately. But with advances in technology, we can now use cloud-based systems based online. These offer exciting new possibilities, making life much easier for Care Providers, Agencies, and Staff. Here are just a few of the advantages of upgrading to cloud-based timesheet recording:
Fewer mistakes
We’ve all struggled to read someone else’s handwriting at one time or another, and when it’s something recorded at the end of a long shift, there’s a good chance it won’t be as neatly written as it could be!
With cloud-based systems, this isn’t a problem and is just one of the many ways in which the number of mistakes can be reduced, ensuring that everyone is paid accurately and on time.
Faster submission
Paper-based systems mean that workers will typically have to wait until the end of the week to fill and submit their time sheets, and that’s if there are no delays in finding lost paperwork, people not coming into the office, or other factors. If you switch to a cloud-based system, your team’s hours will be updated in real-time as they clock in and out of their shifts, can be approved in seconds by managers using their smartphones, and then billed automatically.
All these steps make processes faster and more efficient for users at all levels, reducing the time and labour requirements for processing timesheets, and ultimately means that agencies are able to bill and obtain payment faster.
A unified platform
A cloud-based solution also opens the door to running a single rostering system, unifying permanent, bank and temporary staff onto one platform. This helps to identify any gaps requiring cover, making your operations run more effectively.
Combined with apps that put you in direct contact with your workforce, automatically notify them about roster changes and gives them the most up-to-date information, you can save massive amounts of administration time to focus on delivering outstanding care to your users.
The Care Hires system was explicitly designed to help meet all these objectives, to deliver a hassle-free staffing and agency management solution to Care Providers across the UK.
For a free consultation on how you could start using the system to fill your staffing gaps and make huge savings, book here.