The Future of Care in the UK
Like all industries, the Care sector is constantly changing based on technology, society, and demographic trends. Looking ahead to the future and taking lessons from nations around the world that have faced similar issues, what can we expect for the Care industry in the UK?
A Growing Industry
Demographics are changing; in 20 years, 1 in 4 people in the UK will be aged over 65 years old. This dramatic increase is likely to mean significant growth in the number of Care users, so the industry will have to grow and change to meet their needs. This may lead to an increased proportion of home-based Care, an increase in the number of Care facilities, an increase in the numbers and types of specialist Care services, and more. All this could add to the complexity of the industry significantly.
Increased use of technology
Unfortunately, the labour force that will be called upon to service the growing number of Care users will, for demographic reasons, be smaller than the one currently employed. Therefore technology will probably be developed to help Care providers do more with less. Whether this is better communications through smart devices, virtual reality, physical assistance such as devices giving lifting assistance, or one of the many types of robots developed to work in the Japanese Care industry, all could become commonplace in the UK in future decades.
An emphasis on quality of life
Another way in which Japan could influence the UK is a greater driver towards providing Care within the community aimed at preserving the quality of life for Care users. This has partly been achieved through technology, partly through a shift towards services that can be accessed at home, and partly through increased recruitment from abroad to provide these services.
All of these possibilities will depend on the care industry’s ability to supply a highly trained, flexible workforce. Care Hires helps Providers and Staffing Agencies to work together seamlessly, building genuine partnerships that use the Care Hires web and mobile apps to supply temporary workers more quickly and efficiently than ever before. See a system summary here, or contact us for a free consultation.